Friday, December 16, 2011

Google Search Syntax – Make Your Search Easy and Fast

The basic search covers all common issue, but sometimes we need more powerful results than basic search. So, we need Google search syntax to fulfill our need. Here are some search syntax that can make your search simple.

If you type:
1. SEO Services PhP “Web development”
Google will search all the words. But if you want to specify either word is acceptable put OR between each item like: SEO Services OR Web Design OR “Web development”

If you type:
2. SEO Services ( Web Design OR “Web development”)
This query searches the word “Web Design” or phrase “Web development” along with SEO Services.

3. Intitle and allintitle syntax
Intitle syntax restricts your search to the title of webpage or website. allintitle : It finds pages wherein all the words specified make up the title of webpage.
Example: intitle: “SEO services”
allintitle: “web development” company

4. Inurl and allinurl syntax
Inurl restricts your search within urls of webpages. allinurl finds all the words listed in a URL but it do not mix the with other syntax.
inurl:SEO services
allinurl:SEO Services

5. Intext and allintext syntax
Intext only search text those are in body of webpage. allintext is perfect for finding query words that might be too common in URLs or link titles.

6. inanchor
It searches anchor text in a page. Anchor text is a text which is hyperlink to another page or website like SEO Techniques India.  It is linked to
Example : inanchor:"SEO Techniques"

7. Site
It allows search within a specific website and show total index pages with that domain.
Example: - it searches index pages in Google

8. Link
This syntax shows total number of backlinks according to Google.

9. Cache:
It shows the date when Google last cache of your website.

10. (“”) search exact word
If you put double quotes around a single word, you are telling Google to match that word precisely as you typed it.
“SEO Techniques” – if you type this syntax in Google, it shows how many websites targeting this keyword for optimization.

11. filetype
This syntax used to search the type of file you need with its extension.
“SEO Services” filetype:ppt – this syntax will gives you power point files about SEO services.

12. Related
This syntax find pages that are related to specified page.

13. Info:
This syntax provides more information about specified URL, a list of pages linked to this url, pages that contains this url and pages related to this url.

14. Define

It gives the definition about typed word.
Define:SEO Techniques

15. Safesearch
If you type this syntax, google will exclude all adult content from search result.

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